Ontario Palliative Care Network (OPCN)

Ontario Palliative Care Network (OPCN)

The Ontario Palliative Care Network (OPCN) is a province-wide partnership dedicated to delivering on Ontario’s commitment to palliative care. The OPCN’s goal is a hospice palliative care system that puts patients and families at the centre of every decision. A system of care available to all Ontarians who need it, regardless of their age or illness. Our network is funded by the Ministry of Health. 

Palliative Care Health Services Delivery Framework

Learn about the model of care to improve palliative care in the community in Ontario

Palliative Care Competency Framework

Discover the knowledge, attributes and skills providers need to deliver high-quality palliative care in Ontario.

Tools to Support Earlier Identification for Palliative Care

Find tools to help identify people who may benefit from palliative care.

Palliative Care Toolkit

These best-practice tools from around the world support primary care providers with palliative care delivery.

Step 1: Identify:

Identify if the patient would benefit from palliative care earlier in their illness trajectory. The Tools to Support Earlier Identification for Palliative Care recommends tools that can be used to determine when to introduce palliative care. Among these, the most commonly used tools in Ontario are listed and described.

Step 2: Assess:

Assess the person’s current and future needs and preferences across all domains of care. Include validated screening tools, an in-depth history, physical examination and relevant laboratory and imaging tests.

Screening Tools

Use validated screening tools to identify if the patient, their family or caregiver have any needs that require urgent intervention. Type and timeliness of screening will depend on the severity, urgency and complexity of the symptoms or needs identified.

Step 3: Plan and collaborate ongoing care to address needs identified during the assessment. This includes prompt management of symptoms and coordination with other care providers.

Ontario Health (Cancer Care Ontario) Resources & Toolkits

Guidelines & Advice

The guidelines and other documents available here provide recommendations relevant to healthcare providers and groups responsible for providing palliative care services in Ontario.

Hospice Palliative Care Ontario (HPCO)

Health Quality Ontario: Palliative Care: Care for Adults with a Progressive, Life-Limiting Illne