Health advice made easy

Connect with a registered nurse day or night for free, secure and confidential health advice.

Get connected to health care 24/7

Access safe, high-quality care and avoid unnecessary visits to the emergency room. This service is an easy way to get connected to care you or your loved ones need, but it does not replace your other touch point with your health care provider. In a medical emergency call 911 immediately.

Health Care Connect for Professionals

Find specific information for health care professionals regarding Health Care Connect, including how to join the Health Care Connect community.

How it Works: 

Unattached patients can register for the program:


To successfully register, unattached patients must have:

  • a valid OHIP card
  • complete a health questionnaire to determine their need for family health care services

Priority is given to individuals who have greater health needs.

Once registered, program participants are assigned to a care connector. Care connectors, who are nurses employed by Home and Community Care Support Services Organizations, will work with family physicians and nurse practitioners who are accepting new patients. Once an available provider is found, Health Care Connect will give the patient the provider’s practice information to schedule their first appointment.


Health Care Connect sends providers a letter to inform them when their referral information has been passed on to a patient

How to Join Health Care Connect

Contact the Home Care Coordinator at your Home and Community Care Support Services to become part of Health Care Connect.

Central East
